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Saturday, June 26, 2010

Now for some real story telling........

so as i was saying in my other post the places i went. they were awesome!

so the first pic is robert patinson . the wax musseum was pretty cool. here are some nice pics.

so the first one is with jim carry

the 2nd one is with micheal jackson and the 3rd one is with charlie chaplan

the next place we went was holly wood it was awesome too

the most fun and scary ride was the jurassic park ride there was an 84 ft. drop with a 12 foot high t-rex before the drop. it was fun and scary at the same time. i wics i had a pic of me but my dad didn't take pic. and the mall at universal studios or hollywood same thing was soooooo big and sweet!
sorry i got the pics messed up the first second one is holly wood. any ways i have to go bye. il right soon.

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